The Power of Following Your Dreams.   

When you follow your dreams, you open yourself up to an infinite number of possibilities. It can be intimidating to take the first step towards your goals, but it is worth it in the end. The Universe is always conspiring for us and providing us with opportunities; all we have to do is recognize them when they arrive. 

Understanding Your Why 

Life’s dreams may come for many reasons. But the real power rests in understanding why it matters—to you and to those who benefit from its realization. Your “why” is your fuel when times are tough, lighting a path towards success no matter what obstacles stand in the way. Having a deeper purpose behind what’s important to you is the key element that will drive and sustain motivation through challenging times. Ask yourself why this matters – who does it benefit and how would not achieving it affect you or those you serve? 

What is the risk of not achieving it? 

We often forget that our soul’s deepest longing doesn’t just vanish if we ignore it – in fact, not fulfilling what life has to offer us can cause great turmoil and unhappiness. Instead of letting society dictate your choices for you, take a step back and recognize the true desires of your heart: aim towards following them no matter how hard or uneasy they make you feel. Trusting yourself is essential on this journey as taking risks cultivates courage and strength within. 

Take small steps 

Start where you are, no matter where it is, just start. The more we delay starting, the more likely we are to delay it again, so just do something. 

  • It can be as simple as writing down your dreams every day, even if you do nothing else, eventually just the act of writing will bring up more ideas of more steps you can take; you will find small changes beginning to occur 
  • It can also be as simple as sitting quietly and journaling for 10-15 minutes daily; or sitting in contemplation or prayer time. 

Find more ideas in my free book here  

Trust The Process 

The most important thing is to trust the process—trust that if it’s meant for you, then it will come into fruition regardless of how long it takes or what obstacles come up along the way. Keep believing in yourself and stay focused on what matters most—your dream. It may not always be easy, but by trusting the process, anything is possible! 

Following our dreams requires courage and dedication but it also requires faith – faith in ourselves and faith in the universe around us. We must trust that everything is happening for a reason beyond our understanding; even if things don’t turn out as planned, know that something even better was meant for you instead. With clear intentions, an open heart & mind, courage & determination plus faith & trust – anything is possible! So don’t be afraid to pursue your dreams – remember: what you seek is seeking YOU!