Mindset is essential

but it’s only one of four crucial steps to living a happier, more fulfilling life, I’ll write about the others in coming weeks. 

 Our brain is wired to seek familiarity and resist change, which is why it can be difficult to change our mindset. The stories we tell ourselves, based on our experiences, beliefs, and culture, can limit our growth and happiness. It is crucial to become aware of these stories and recognize when they are holding us back. 

Mindset affects every aspect of our lives, from our health and relationships to our career and spirituality.

The stories we tell ourselves can be limiting or empowering, and we have the power to choose which ones we believe. For example, if we believe that we have “soft teeth,” as I was told as a child, we may have a lot of dental work and doctor visits. But if we shift our mindset and tell ourselves that we come from a family of quick healers, we may experience better health outcomes.  

Once we identify these stories, we can begin to challenge or shift them, otherwise we may continue to sabotage all of our best efforts. For example, If we believe that we will never have enough money, our money will find ways to leave our hands- even if we get a better-paying job. However, we can shift this belief by becoming aware of it and consciously working to change it. This process can be as quick as an afternoon, or a year-long project, but either way the results can be life changing. 

If we are happy and content with our lives, there is no need to worry about it! But most of us have something we desire that we don’t have, and it is likely that our mindset is holding us back. For example, if we want to travel more, but we believe that we don’t have enough time off work, that might look like the truth of the situation. End of story. However, we are limiting ourselves because maybe there is a better job for us that would allow us to travel? Or a thousand other opportunities can come up if we are open to possibility. God has a million ways to make things happen. 

In conclusion, shifting our mindset is crucial for living a happier, more fulfilling life. Becoming aware of the stories we tell ourselves and consciously working to challenge and shift them can lead to profound changes in our lives. We have the power to choose which stories we believe and how they shape our lives. By shifting our mindset, we can create a life that is more aligned with our dreams and desires

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