Do you know how to create a magical life?  Or instead, do you tend to try to control things in your life? Do you micromanage?  Are you happy this way?, or do you want to learn how to allow more room in your life for unexpected miracles, big or small? Are you willing to see that miracles really do happen? 

It’s easy for us to want to control how life goes. We think we know exactly what to do and how, and how things need to be done. Unfortunately, the more we try to control life, the higher our stress levels and blood pressure will be, and the less room we have for magic and miracles. After all, if you know how the magic trick is done, then it’s less impressive and you won’t be as awestruck! 

To begin living a more magical life, it starts with releasing control.

Release your expectations, accept the truth that you don’t have to work so hard, and instead be open to what life might have to offer you. There are thousands of ways for things to show up in your life, and they are often show up how you least expect.

Have you ever received a surprise gift in the mail? Or maybe found some unexpected money somewhere? For those of us that expect these surprises, they happen often! 

Be open to possibility.

Life will present you with magic when you release control and expectations. Trust that the less control you try to have, the more space you create to allow miracles to happen. 

For example, I wanted to go to Kenya for years, but for the longest time, I couldn’t afford to and I stopped trying to control how it could happen. One day, a friend of mine was going on safari in Kenya, asked if I wanted to join, and it was at the most perfect time when I could afford to go. Even better, she planned the whole trip, and I didn’t have to do anything. I had no control and no expectations about how the trip would go. I just wanted to be there and connect with the Earth. I turned it over to let God do the magic. To say the least, it was a magical trip. Every day was full of surprises and better than the last. The most unexpected part? I fell in love with someone, and we are now happily married. 

If you’re ready for more magic and want to learn how to create space for miracles in your life, one idea is to start with “what if” statements. This could sound like: What if I retired? What if I doubled my income? What if I went to Hawaii? What if I laughed more? What if I had fun? What if I went to a movie tomorrow? 

What if I quit my job? I included this affirmation in my morning routine and said it to myself for months. Eventually, it happened. I didn’t know how it would happen, but I was open to possibility, and finally it worked out perfectly and impossile to predict. At the end of that year, I was signing papers forming my own corporation and quitting my job. 

 You can change your “What if” every day or use the same one every day, whatever feels right to you. 

Be open to what life may offer you.

Please let me know, what has come to you or what has happened to you by using “what if” statements? What could be better in your life? Where could you think bigger? What if the floodgates open to you thinking bigger and having more possibility? Wouldn’t that be magical? What if life was magical? What if I experienced miracles every day? What if I gave up control? 

Please let me contact me below and let me know the magic in your life!

2 + 6 =

release control and allow magic