Do you have a favorite mindset or mindfulness exercise? How about exercises using the law of attraction?

It might not always be obvious, but all these exercises and practices are connected. When I work with clients, I teach many different kinds of exercises to help them move forward and realize their true selves. The focus is to always engage mind, body, and soul by doing exercises and practices involving mindset, mindfulness, law of attraction, spirituality, and energy. Engaging all three – mind, body, and soul – will help you move forward, grow, and achieve your dreams. It might not look the same for everyone, but the important thing to remember is that

all these practices help nurture the connectedness of life.

One example is forgiveness. Who likes to work with forgiveness? It might be hard to accept at first, but forgiveness is a key step in our personal and spiritual growth. When we refuse to forgive, we are holding onto negative emotions and getting stuck in past energy that holds us back. Even the most Zen, grounded, spiritual people might get triggered by something (a song, smell, or place) that brings them back to the past and feeling old feelings. When this happens, we leave the present moment and our connections with everything else around us become invisible. When those connections are blocked, we are not living life the best way we can. Forgiveness isn’t about the other person; it’s about living in the present moment and not letting negative past energy or feelings hold you back from your connectedness. You can still hold the same opinions of whoever you need to forgive, but the important part is to not get stuck in past energy, to allow yourself to move on and continue growing into the highest expression of yourself. You might need to talk to someone you trust to help you recognize triggers and work through them so you can detach and no longer be affected by them. When you do this work, you will much more easily maintain your connections to life and continue to live in ease.

Another example is mindset work. Every one of us has some stories or rules about ourselves that we live by, taught to us by our families, culture, religion, school, or another societal institution. For example, for the longest time, I believed that I would never be able to buy a house in the Seattle area by myself, a single woman. It took a lot of work for me to overcome this story and finally buy my home!

Can you think of any stories or rules you believe about yourself?

Some examples are how we should look, how we should dress, how we should speak, or when we’re allowed to laugh. In The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, he starts by talking about domestication and the stories we are taught in our lives that are often from a perpetual, generational cycle.

The truth is most of these stories and rules are not true. Often, we apply these rules to our own lives, but notice that the same rules don’t apply to someone else similar to you. What rules do you have for yourself that don’t apply to others? If you believe these false stories about yourself, you are keeping yourself from your greater expression, your greater good, and greater expansion of life. You are not fully in your flow. These stories hold you back. You don’t have to subscribe to these restrictive ideals, it’s your choice. You can learn to grow out of them. When we believe these things about ourselves, they keep us from our greater self, from being all that we can be. Our egos will provide blocks to our connectedness to life. We are still connected, but we need to do mindset exercises to overcome the blocks and dismiss the ego so we can expand and live in full connection.

Many practices I have talked about in previous podcast episodes and blogs include meditation, contemplation, journaling, automatic writing, and creating. These practices automatically put us in the flow and make us feel our connectedness. They open our minds and create space for new ideas. Sometimes a random idea might pop into your mind while engaging in any of these practices. That is the connection of life working through you.

Once you can feel, live, know, and understand your connection with everything, that’s when struggles become easier, and you can grow into the greatest expression of yourself.

I would love to hear from you! Please connect with me and share your experiences or thoughts about exercises that  keep you connected.

You might also like this blog How I Allowed Connection with God to Transform my life.

Or my podcast  Holistic Approach on How to Follow a Dream series- Engage the Whole Self

You may also want to check out my free ebook Seven Short and Simple Spiritual Routines that Will Change Your Life 

If you’re serious about following your dreams, check out this resource Dreams Achieved! Essential Starter Kit

Please let me contact me below and let me know the magic in your life!

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