I want to share with you my personal story, how I allowed connection with God to transform my life.
Not long ago, my life was quite miserable. I was broke, hated my jobs, embarrassed about where I lived, and didn’t see my friends often. I was living in the horrible cycle of payday loan to payday loan, my credit cards were maxed out and I could only pay the minimum every month, just enough to be able to get some more groceries. I didn’t feel much meaning in my life and felt as though life was just happening to me and I had no control over it. I felt disempowered.
Finally, one day I decided I’d had enough. I made a commitment to incorporate some new daily practices in my life for at least 30 days, re-read for the third time “Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity” by Edwene Gaines, and strengthen my connection with God. With her practices including release, gratitude, and goal setting, along with some of my own practices, I committed to turning my life around.
I soon realized that many of the practices I begun doing for myself daily (meditation, being mindful and receptive, visualizing), are all practices I use when I connect and communicate with animals. It was about time I started doing them for my own spiritual connection. Within the first 30 days of incorporating these new practices into my life, I got a new job and doubled my income. Not long after, a friend contacted me and asked if I wanted to go to Kenya, something I had always wanted to do but couldn’t afford for the longest time, which you will learn more about in the Connectedness episode 3: “She Works Hard for Her Money No More!”, or its corresponding blog post.
After working extensively on my limiting beliefs about money and the mindset that I would never be able to buy a house by myself, within ten months of starting these new daily practices, I bought and moved into my new home. Two weeks later, I left for my first Kenya trip which ultimately changed my life even more.
Like communicating with animals, when connecting with spirit, it is important to visualize what you want and project that image into the universe. It’s easy to focus on what we don’t want: “I don’t want my job anymore,” “I don’t like this apartment,” “I wish my partner would stop behaving this way.” Unfortunately, just like in communication with animals, when we focus on what we don’t want, the universe is only getting the image of what it is you don’t want, and the negation (don’t want, don’t like, stop behaving) gets lost in translation.
Instead, we need to start focusing on what we do want and create those visualizations for the universe to reflect upon us. In addition to communicating images, we also communicate emotions. The stronger the emotion, the stronger that image is projected into the universe, whether it’s good or bad. This is why it’s important, when we’re passionate about something, to make sure we are projecting the right image – that is, the image of what we want in our lives, not what we don’t want.
Part of my daily spiritual practice was to ask, “what do I need to know or do today?” and listen for a response. I learned to trust those responses and act upon what God was telling me. I encourage you to incorporate this into your daily practice. A spiritual practice is anything that opens you up just a little bit to let God, the universe, or spirit in and help bring you to your greater good. Some examples are prayer, meditation, gratitude, yoga, art, writing, music, dance, or anything that feels right to you.
Be intentional, know you are connecting, be honest and truthful with yourself, do what’s best for you. Sit down, get quiet, and be receptive. Ask your spiritual team a question. Often, the answer will come right away, as the first thing that pops into your head, but you might not recognize or trust it at first. Learn to trust it. Act upon that answer and see what happens.
Once I started seeing my connection to everything around me, and noticing the natural cycles of life, I better understood the harmony and balance of life. I developed my baseline of inner knowing that everything will be okay, and I realized that I am supported by a force much greater than myself.
How do you feel supported by anything outside of you? What worked for you today? Start small – did you have hot water in your shower? Did you have food to eat? Did your car start? Did anyone go out of their way to help you? How was life made easy for you today? How is life supporting you?
When we see something we like, we want more of it. When we start focusing on something, we see more of it. Every night, I encourage you to make a list of all the things that went right for you today, everything that worked out how it was supposed to. Even the small things. How were you supported today?
Please let me know! Connect with me and share your experience with this new daily practice.
You might be interested to hear more in my podcast episode 3 She Works Hard for her Money, No More- Miracles Really Happen
You may also want to check out my free ebook Seven Short and Simple Spiritual Routines that Will Change Your Life
Please let me contact me below and let me know how you are supported by God!